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SACII 2022: to inform, guide and equip you for successful immigration to Canada!

Studying in Canada

To study in Canada:

International students: application form, tuition fees,
Établissements postsecondaires et formations
proposées, équivalence des diplômes
Working as an international student
Staying in Canada after your studies

Working in Canada

To work in Canada:

Careers and education
How to find a job
Learning English
Training for
professionals trained

Moving to Canada

To settle and live in Canada:

Includes organizations offering settlement services
Understanding Canadian culture (culture shock, etc.),
Preparing for arrival
Health system, school system
The French-speaking community

Diaspora Konnect : a platform for exchanges and meetings to build momentum between Africa and Canada

  • A forum highlighting the multidimensional contributions of the diaspora, a key player in human and economic development and the transfer of skills to their countries of origin and Africa.
  • Connecting expatriate talent (diaspora and graduate students from Canada) with Ivorian companies looking for specific skills
  • Sharing experience and best practices

Participants' Area

  • Introduce potential candidates for immigration to Canada to employment and training opportunities. training
  • Developing initiatives and partnerships for the private emergence and development of successful companies

Espace Exposants

  1. Studies
  2. Reception and integration organizations
  3. Training
  4. Public authorities and regional economic players
  5. Employment and recruitment
  6. Immigration professionals
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