Support our programs

Your help, your support, whatever it may be, always makes a difference.

For families and the community as a whole

EUndertake, strengthen and promote concrete actions for solidarity and mutual aid that contribute to the well-being of Canada’s French-speaking African community. Pursue the realization of said community’s well-being through collaborative actions and interactions with communities and/or organizations with a similar or related vision.

For young people

Based on the observation that our young people from immigrant backgrounds or with immigrant parents. They have difficulties integrating, identifying and sometimes lacking self-confidence. We want to equip our young people to bring out the best in them, because we know they have talent.

Our programs

Excellence Awards

The Prix Excellence Akwaba aims to showcase the young and the young at heart through their heritage. It is offered to young people in the community who deserve it for their talent, their results, their actions in the community and towards others. These exceptional young people demonstrate the success of our community and what it stands for.

African Genius in Canada

The aim of the "Génie d'Afrique au Canada" cultural competition is to inculcate in our young people a taste for and quest for excellence by educating them about Africa, awakening their curiosity to acquire more knowledge about their origins, because knowing where you come from can only help you move forward by drawing resources from it.


The Salon Afrique Canada Immigration Investissements (SACII) is an annual forum for information, networking, collaboration and economic cooperation between Canada and French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa.

écho Akwaba

L'infolettre is a quarterly newsletter that serves as a link between us and the community of Africans, Caribbean people, Afro-descendants, families and friends. échoAkwaba, as its name suggests, reports on community news, organizations and programs, hot topics, events and more...

Akwaba Magazine

We publish an annual magazine highlighting Africans and Afro-descendants. We want to highlight the immigration journey, the path to success and, above all, the advice and recommendations that emerge from the experience to educate our young people.

Celebrating Black People

Black History Month is dedicated to the exchange and education of Black people and culture.
IAWD - International African Women's Day Our aim is to bring African women and girls together to celebrate women's bravery and resilience, and to make them role models in the community.

Make a donation

Merci de contribuer à nos programmes et activités

Nous apprécions votre contribution à l'avancement de nos programmes et nos activités. Votre participation, quelle qu'elle soit nous aidera à être plus proche de notre communauté africaine issue de l'immigration francophone en continuant à offrir plus de services. Encore MERCI, nous vous donnerons de nos nouvelles
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